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N UCH Golden Tyrie's Spooky Mist Hann f. 08,03,12 Far: Charan-Jit Rogell Kuo Yarlung Namtso Mor: Thokkadis New Endless Sunrise Eier: Nygård, Gunvor S. Oppdretter: Malin Berlin & Marie Andersson |
N UCH Brightly's Individual Magic Maggie Tispe f. 26.10.2010 Far: Milington's That Magic Touch Mor: Brightly�s Exciting Ey-Es Eier: Nygård, Gunvor S. Oppdretter: Oredsson, Lena |
N UCH Rogell's Faux Art Noir Hann f. 14.11.2011 Far: AM CH Atisha's Blanc De Noir Mor: INT NORD DK UCH DKVV-13 NVV-13 Rogell's Phi-Na-Co-Lha-Da Eier, Oppdretter: Lind, Ellen